Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman throwing hot food on his family and admitting guilt

 Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman threw a hot plate of food including a hot sausage on his girlfriend and daughter. Mother of the child was speaking to Shawn about the child being sick. Shawn was annoyed by this and flew into another fit of rage. Mother had no choice but to start documenting this abuse because she knew nobody would believe her over a Police Officer. These incidents happened very often. Mother cleaned up the child and comforted her after these videos were taken. You can see in the second video where Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman admits guilt in throwing a plate of food at his family. The Mesa Police Department believes this is proper behavior and has said they see nothing wrong with their Officer Shawn Freeman admitting to throwing a plate of hot food at his family. 

Video 1 - Taken at 1264 W Desert Hollow San Tan Valley AZ 85143

Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman admitting to throwing a hot plate of food at his family including his small child. 
Video 2 - Taken at 1264 W Desert Hollow Dr San Tan Valley AZ 85143

Mother and daughter covered in food from Mesa PD officer Shawn Freeman. The child has marks on her abdomen from the hot food. 
Taken at 1264 W Desert Hollow Dr San Tan Valley AZ 85143

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