
Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman giving a baby City of Mesa issued bullets to play with

 Mesa Police Officer Shawn Tyler Freeman giving a small child ammo to play with. The ammo is issued by the City of Mesa Police Department. The child was also within reach of loaded firearms. The City of Mesa Police Department does not see anything wrong with this.  Photo taken at 1264 W Desert Hollow Dr San Tan Valley AZ 85143 Photo taken at 1264 W Desert Hollow Dr San Tan Valley AZ 85143

Mesa SWAT Officer Shawn Freeman giving his baby bullets to play with

 Mesa Police department SWAT operator Shawn Freeman giving his daughter bullets to play with while loaded guns are within her reach. This is City of Mesa Arizona Police Department issued ammunition.  Photos taken at 1264 W Desert Hollow Dr. San Tan Valley AZ 85143 Ammo is courtesy of the City of Mesa Police Department. This is Mesa Police department issued ammo

Shawn Tyler Freeman feeding his baby beer again

 Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman feeding his daughter beer again. This is not considered illegal, immoral or wrong according to the Mesa Police Department.  Mesa Police Officer Shawn Tyler Freeman of the Mesa SWAT team providing and feeding alcohol to his child again. Photos taken at 1264 W Desert Hollow Dr San Tan Valley AZ 85143

LA County District Attorney Charge eval worksheet for Mesa SWAT Shawn Freeman domestic battery

 Unfortunately, due to the statute of limitations and delayed reporting Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman has gotten away with another incident of Domestic Battery. Here is the Los Angeles County Charging Document for Domestic Battery stating Shawn Freeman wasn't charged due to the statute of limitations. The assault took place in Lancaster, CA.  Los Angeles County District Attorney Charge Evaluation Worksheet for Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman with a charge of Domestic Battery. 

Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman commits disorderly conduct, assault and child abuse

 Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman has committed child abuse, domestic violence, assault and disorderly conduct. See the Maricopa County victims rights forms below. Victims information is redacted. Mesa PD Officer Shawn Freeman listed as a suspect for disorderly conduct and assault Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman committed child abuse and disorderly conduct

Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman domestic battery police report

 LA County Police Report for domestic battery against Shawn Freemans girlfriend and baby. The Mesa Police Department supports their officers who commit DV.  Credit of Los Angeles County Sheriff

More bruising from Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman committing acts of Domestic Violence

 Bruises from Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman  Taken at 1264 W Desert Hollow Dr San Tan Valley AZ 85143